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Palestine book


    نظر شما چیست؟
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    Selected Statements by Ayatollah Khamenei About Palestine

    Part I: General Issues
    Chapter 1: Importance of Palestinian Issue
    The issue of Palestine: the most important problem of the Islamic world
    Bait ul-Moqaddas: the main pivot
    Liberating Palestine: the goal of discussing the issue of Palestine
    Palestine: part of the body of Islam
    The relationship between Palestine and the destiny of non-Palestinians
    The war on Palestine: a war on the existence of Islam
    Chapter 2: Islamic Republic of Iran and Palestinian Issue
    Supporting the Palestinian nation: a general policy of the Islamic Republic
    Preparedness of the Iranian nation for struggle
    Palestine: non-negotiable
    Iran’s enmity towards Israel: the reason why Iran is the target of negative propaganda 
    Chapter 3: Zionism and Israel
    The Zionist regime: much weaker than a few years ago
    The hegemony of Zionism over the majority of news agencies
    The hegemony of Zionism over the majority of global centers of power
    Backing down against Israel encourages more violence
    The enemy is taking advantage of Muslims' lack of vigilance
    Israel’s peace plot
    Zionists’ failure to achieve their goals
    The security threat posed by Israel to the entire region
    The economic threat posed by Israel to the entire region
    The enemies growing more serious after witnessing the Islamic movements
    Israel’s goal: beyond its current military conquests
    The American government and Zionists: faced with a dead end in Palestine
    Opposition to Israel and America: based on Islamic orders
    The silence of Islamic and human rights communities in the face of Israeli oppression
    Chapter 4: West, America and Zionism
    The purpose of the arrogant powers that created Israel 
    Western contradiction: efforts to save animals while keeping silent in the face of
    continued killing of human beings 
    Double standards of western printed press regarding Israeli crimes
    Western double standards regarding terrorism
    From an American perspective, the Palestinians are terrorists and Israel is defending
    Liberalism: disgraced in the issue of Palestine
    America’s animosity towards jihadi groups
    Chapter 5: Israel and Muslim Governments
    Negligence of Muslim governments: the reason why the enemy reaches his goals
    without compromising
    The Most Important Problem of the Islamic World
    The treacherous silence of Arab leaders and the disgraceful positions of self-appointed
    Palestinian leaders
    Treachery of the Palestinian Authority
    Persian Gulf states’ treacherous recognition of Israel.
    Part II: Victories and Defeats
    Chapter 1: History of Occupation and Lessons
    Occupation of Palestine: a long-held western wish
    The colonial goal behind the establishment of the Zionist regime
    The goals of occupying Palestine
    Three pillars of the Zionists’ illegitimate domination
    Israel: faced with a legitimacy crisis
    Israel’s defeat in the second Intifada
    The purpose of “peace talks”: erasing the issue of Palestine from memories
    Muslim nations hate those who negotiate with Israel
    Two illusions: invincibility of Israel and the possibility of peaceful coexistence with it
    Chapter 2: Victories and Lessons
    Palestinian uprising ruined all Israeli calculations
    The threat posed by each selfless Palestinian youth: as great as the threat posed by an
    Message following the 
    day war on Gaza
    Israel’s defeat in the 33-day and 22-day wars: signs of steep decline
    Part III: Responsibilities
    Chapter 1: Duty of Palestinian People
    The duty of the Palestinians
    The reason why the Palestinians must start using guns
    Chapter 2: Responsibility of Islamic Ummah 
    Muslim governments’ indifference to Palestine: unacceptable
    The pillars of resistance
    The duty of all Muslims and all alert consciences
    Assisting the people of Palestine: a communal Islamic obligation
    The duty of Muslims 
    The Islamic Ummah must rise up
    The responsibility of nations towards building a new Islamic Middle East
    Responding to the Palestinians’ cries for help: a pre-condition for Islamic faith
     Quds Day
    The duty of Muslims on Quds Day
    Quds Day: the symbol of the confrontation between truth and falsehood
     Responsibility of Muslim Governments
    The duty of Muslim people and governments
    The duty of Islamic governments: suspending oil exports in order to confront Israel 
    The duty of Muslim governments: cutting off relations with Israel.
    Political, financial and propaganda assistance
    Sense of responsibility among governments
    Avoidance of normalized relations with the Zionist regime: necessary for Islamic
    The duty of Arab leaders to respond to Israel’s crimes
    Resistance against Zionist malevolence: possible through utilizing the capacities of the
    The Most Important Problem of the Islamic World 
    world of Islam
    Chapter 5: Responsibility of Media
    The duty of news networks
    Chapter 6: Responsibility of Outstanding Muslim Personalities
    The duty of outstanding Muslim figures
    Chapter 7: Responsibility of Islamic Organizations
    The duty of hajj pilgrims: increasing political insight 
    The responsibility of hajj pilgrims towards the issue of Palestine
    The responsibility of the Organization of the Islamic Conference: Defending Palestine
    Part IV: Crimes
    Crimes in Gaza
    Taking revenge on Hezbollah by attacking Palestine and fomenting discord
    Israel’s purpose behind committing crimes
    Full support of the west for Israeli crimes 
    Hosni Mubarak’s mistake during the siege on Gaza
    The world of Islam: busy with side issues
    The deadly raid by the Zionists on Gaza aid flotilla
    Part V: Bright Prospects
    Chapter 1: Solutions
    Negotiation: forbidden and useless
    National faith: superior to nuclear power
    General guidelines for fighting the Zionist regime
    Resistance of the people of Palestine: an obstacle in the way of Israel
    The remedy for Palestine: Islam and unity.
    Chapter 2: Fallacies
    Fallacy: the Palestinian issue is an Arab issue
    Fallacy: it is impossible to wipe out Israel.
    Iran is opposed to both the usurping Zionist state and its people
    Chapter 3: Promise of Victory
    Divine promise: liberation of Quds
    Israel and America: doomed to annihilation
    Heroic defense of Palestine by young generations
    Victory: ensured by the Holy Quran
    God’s promise to sincere mujahids 
    Promise of a unified Islamic identity 
    Raising the flag of Palestine through resistance